Podcasting Q&A
On Podcasting Q&A, you'll hear the best tips and strategies to launch, grow, and monetize your podcast. Whether it's getting more podcast listeners, promoting your podcast on social media, or how to produce high-quality episodes in your editing software, Podcasting Q&A has everything you need to succeed. New episodes come out every Monday.
Podcasting Q&A
How to change your podcast without losing any listeners (HINT: We're doing it!)
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, you'll learn whether you should rebrand your podcast or start a new one.
Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.
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today on five minute Monday's I'll explain why very soon the show will no longer be called five minute Mondays. Welcome the five minute Mondays. We're being the best tips and strategies for building your podcast in five minutes or less. So if you're new here, consider subscribing Now, a question that, as a podcaster you may or may not have experienced already, is What do you do when you want to try something new? Maybe you've been podcasting. You've had the same chauffeur a number of weeks, months, maybe even years, and you're just ready for a change. You're ready to do something a little bit different. This is a very common thing. It's a very common thing for podcasters to experience. And so what do you do in that situation? Especially if you don't want to just start from scratch? Because you could certainly just start a new podcast out of the blue and try and convince all your current listeners to go and subscribe to the new one. But if instead of doing that, you decide to rebrand your podcast to continue serving the same people, but in a different way, you can do that without losing any of your subscribers. So in this episode, I want to cover the questions that you need to ask yourself if you're considering a rebrand, and then also explain why we decided that we wanted to rebrand five minute Mondays. So the first question is, Do I need to change the entire show? Or can I just introduce a new episode format? Because very often it's not that the show is changing. It's not that the content itself is changing, but it's simply the delivery of the content. And if that is true, then you don't necessarily need to do a re brand. But the reason that we decided that ultimately rebranding Fineman Mondays is gonna be in our best interest in your best interests as well is that we really wanted to push into some exciting new ways of delivering the same kinds of practical tips and strategies to you guys. As fun as it is to try and squeeze in meaningful answers in five minutes. Often we have to leave a lot of stuff on the cutting room floor that would probably very beneficial if we could communicate it. And so over time it became more of a hindrance than something that was helping us to stay focused. That five minute time constraint. The other reason that we wanted to do a re brand is that unless you knew that five minute money's about podcasting, there's absolutely nothing about the title or the artwork that communicates that this is for podcasters. And so we wanted Thio redo, basically hit, reset and start from scratch With that, how do we take the same principles and the same things that we want to talk about and reshape them into something that's gonna be more beneficial and is gonna help new people identify that this is something that they should listen to? The second question that you should ask yourself is, Are you still serving the same audience? So if you have a Star Wars podcast and you want to do a podcast on home gardening, you probably need to start a new podcast, right? That's not gonna be a rebrand that will go over super well. But if you just want to shift from talking about Knights Field Republic to the new Disney, Siri's exclusively or you want to shit from talking about video games to all to now talking about the new games, comics and movies. Maybe that is something that you can do and maybe a rebrand is a part of that. So you really want to ask yourself, Am I actually serving the same people? And if the answer is yes, then you can absolutely execute a rebrand effectively. They're not only juice new energy into you as the podcaster, but also to help your listeners feel like you really care about them. And you're making this decision in their best interest. And then, ultimately, the third question that you should ask yourself when you're considering your rebrand is will this new podcast be better than the one that I have right now? Because you'll want any change that you make to be a step forward, where you're actually giving your listeners better content, more content, more access, better guests, whatever it is that you want to do moving forward, make sure that it's better that your listeners see it as an improvement and not, ah, step back. And just because you think something is better does not necessarily mean that your listeners well, so one thing we're gonna be doing a lot is incorporating your questions. So you may have noticed that this year we've kind of been sprinkling some in where, you know, I would take some of the questions and read them and answer them. We want to do that in a much more deliberate fashion. Really. Make sure we're talking about the things that you want us to talk about, and so that really pushed us in the direction of doing a rebrand. Now, next week, I'm gonna talk about what five minute Mondays is turning into spill all the beans there and also introduce you to my new co host. So it won't just be the Travis Show anymore. There will be more than one person helping you with your podcasting journey, but that is it for today. Hit the subscribe button. If you're watching this on YouTube, or you can subscribe to the five minute money's podcast in your favor app. Squeeze even more podcasts related content into your life. And if you want to submit a question to AH, be featured in an episode moving forward of our new show, you can go to speak pipe dot com slash buzz sprout. I'll leave a link in the show notes as well, and you can leave us a voice message that we can feature here in the podcast episode. Well, thanks for listening and is always keep broadcasting.