Podcasting Q&A
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Podcasting Q&A
How to record a podcast with your phone
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, you'll learn how to record and edit podcast episodes using just your phone.
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- RODE smartLav+ Kit for iPhones
- RODE smartLav+ Microphone
- RODE SC6 (Android users)
- Movo Podcast Interview Microphone
- Headphone to Lightning Dongle
- Headphone to USB-C Dongle
- GarageBand (iPhone, iPad)
- Recording Studio Light (Android)
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Travis: 0:00
today on five minute Mondays, we'll talk about how you can record and edit your podcast episodes using just your phone. Welcome to five minute Mondays for being the best tips and strategies for building your podcast in five minutes or less. So if you knew here, consider subscribing now. In today's episode, I will be answering a question from on in. Sorry if I totally butchered your name, but it's a really good question, So I wanted to cover excited. A lot of people are probably wondering the same thing, and he just asks, Can someone podcast with just a phone and headphones? Yes, the answer is yes. You can absolutely just podcast with your phone and a set of headphones. So 1st 1 to talk about the gear that you need to be able to record your podcast episodes and then also the software options that are available for you to be ableto edit those episodes so you can upload them to your podcast host. So, talking about the gear, I'm gonna break it into two categories, all right. The 1st 1 is the best quality. What is the best sound quality that you can get from a setup that will plug into your phone. And for that I really recommend the road Smart lab plus system. So it's to level your microphones that will clip to your shirt. Um, and then they feed into a little box that you could record two different microphones into it. And there's also a headphone jack so you can monitor your sound as to recording. And then all of those things plug into your phone. They have a version for iPhones without lightning adapter or a lightning cable, and they also have one that is just a headphone jack. And so, if you have an android device, you just need to get a dongle that's like a headphone to U. S B C adapter, and you'll be able to plug that in to your phone. Now, if it is just you, and you don't actually have a guess that you're interviewing thing, you would just need one smart laugh. And so the smart will have total system runs about 200 bucks. This smart lab, by itself is $70 so you can just get that one microphone clipped to your shirt record into your phone, and you're good to go. And again, this is the best quality, best audio quality. So if that's really important to you and you have a little bit of budget or if you plan on using this set up frequently and you want to invest in it, this is a solution that I would recommend for you. And I will obviously leave links to everything in the show notes you can click over. You can check it out. Now, if you just need something that's gonna be a budget friendly options, something that's going to work, that's gonna be better than the microphone built into your phone. That's not gonna break the bank that I actually recommend a level your setup from Move. Oh, and the one that I recommend in the one that I've used personally to do. Mobile recordings cost about 40 bucks on Amazon, and so it has to level your microphones again. You can plug one to your shirt, one to your guest. Sure, there is a a place where you can plug in some headphones in order to modest your sound, and you just plug that in to your phone. Now that mojo level your mic set up has a headphone jack. And so you would either need a headphone to ah U S B C adapter if you're using, like a Samsung phone or an android phone or a headphone to lightning dongle for an iPhone or an iPad. Now, compared to the smart lab system, the mojo is gonna give you more of like a hollow er sound quality than the smart love will, which will give you more of, ah, full sound quality. But it's really hard to beat the price of 40 bucks to be able to record two people into one phone, and it does makes them down into a single track. So you just got to be aware of that. Moving forward now as faras editing your audio recordings, there are a couple different solutions. If you have an iPhone, you can record directly into Garage Band, which is a free app that you can download if it's not already installed in your phone. Now, if you have an android phone than the app that I recommend is called Recording studio lights, it is a free app with Cem in APP purchases. If you want to get some extra features, but you can use it to absolutely record your episodes. And then, with all of those, you're able to do some basic editing like cutting tracks, deleting segments, exporting those kind of things so you really can do some light editing on your phone and then directly upload it to your podcast host. Well, that is it for today. Hit the subscribe button. If you're watching this on YouTube, or you can subscribe to the five minute Money's podcast from your favorite app, squeeze even more podcasting related content into your life. And if there's something you want us to cover on a future episode, you just go to speak. Pipe dot com slash buzz sprout and leave us a voice message that we can incorporate into a future episode. Well, thanks for listening. And until next time, keep podcasting.