Podcasting Q&A
On Podcasting Q&A, you'll hear the best tips and strategies to launch, grow, and monetize your podcast. Whether it's getting more podcast listeners, promoting your podcast on social media, or how to produce high-quality episodes in your editing software, Podcasting Q&A has everything you need to succeed. New episodes come out every Monday.
Podcasting Q&A
Which podcast apps do your listeners prefer?
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, you’ll learn how to tell which apps your listeners prefer and why that’s important.
Check out our in-depth tutorial on the Buzzsprout Advanced Podcast Statistics on YouTube and our Overcast Ads Video.
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Travis: 0:00
today on five minute Monday's, you'll learn how to tell which apps your listeners prefer and why that's important. Welcome to five minute Mondays. We're bringing the best tips and strategies for building your podcast in five minutes or less. So if you're here, consider subscribing.
Travis: 0:16
Now we're trying to something a little bit different here on YouTube. So if you're watching this on YouTube, you'll notice we're actually like recording. I'm actually talking to the camera. We are gonna start to implement some fun tweaks and changes moving forward with some bigger stuff. Coming in a couple months, your feedback has been heard All the comments saying, Look at the camera. I read those I see you.
Travis: 0:36
And so today we're gonna cover the second section, the second big section in the advanced podcast statistics. And that is the Apps and Devices section. So if you ah, log in to your Buzzsprout account and you go to the stats tab and then absent devices here, you can see the top apps the top devices in the top categories. So I'm gonna break down while all those are. And then why they're important. So for the top apps, you'll see podcast apps like Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, Overcast, Pocket Casts. Those are the things that are gonna show up in your apps, And the reason that that is helpful is that different apps will display your podcast information differently.
Travis: 1:16
So, for instance, Apple podcast supports HTML formatting so you can embed links and website links and links to products that you promote an affiliate links and things like that in your episode notes. Spotify does not. So if you have 50 or 60% of your audience on Spotify, then you want to keep that in mind when you're putting your show notes together. Um, another reason to be helpful is if you do paid promotion on apps like Overcast or Castro, you can track how many of your plays air coming from those apps specifically. And so if you're running an overcast ad campaign, um, and you notice a big bump in your overcast listeners, then you know that it's working. And if you're curious about how to do that, I'll leave a link in the YouTube cards and in the show notes. Or you can go and check out the video. When we talked about overcast ads
Travis: 2:03
But that's why knowing your abs are important because, depending on which absolute listeners prefer, you want to make sure your tailoring, your podcast episode formatting and all these supplemental materials to be really be accessible for them and easier for them to take action on. And then you can. Also, if you keep scrolling down, see devices and categories and so devices would be like Apple iPhone, Android phone, Apple Computer, Apple Watch, Amazon Echo device. Those would be devices and then categories would be like mobile phone computer, smart TV, those kind of things. And the reason that this information is helpful for you as a podcaster is it gives you some insight into how your listeners are actually consuming your episodes. And so, if you, you know, see that a bunch of your listeners are listening on smart TVs, well, that would give you some insight that they're probably at home. They may be doing some chores around the house. They just want to play it through their sound system. If you see smart devices like Amazon echoes starting to pop up, then you know that people are okay. People are actually listening to this at home. If you see a bunch of Apple watch place than you know, they're like, literally on the go while they're listening to your podcast.
Travis: 3:12
So this information that you find in Apps and Devicese not only shows you which apps your listeners prefer, but also gives you some direction on how to support them and to continue to make your podcast experience as phenomenal as possible. And it's also cool just to see all of the apps that you're listed in. So that's something that we have that's new in the advanced podcast stats. As you can see every single podcast, app and player that we have a recorded play from all the way down to, you know, things that only recorded one play. You can still see those apps, so that is a cool new feature with the advanced podcast statistics. Now, if you want to go deeper into this particular segment and really all the advanced podcast statistics, then I would encourage you to check out our YouTube tutorial leveling to that in the show notes. But that is it for today. Hit the subscribe button. If you're watching this on YouTube, or you can subscribe to the five minute money's podcast in your favorite app to squeeze even more podcast-related content into your life. And if you have a suggestion or something that you want us to cover on a future episode, make sure to fill out the form. There's a link in the show notes. You can submit your question, but that's it for today. Thanks for listening and is always keep podcasting.